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  1. Last Day of Classes- Summer Term and Summer Session 2015


  2. Field Trials Help Expand Knowledge of Organic Corn Hybrids

    internationally, and as the number of organic farmers increase." While organic farming in fruit and vegetable ...

  3. A Snapshot of Migration: How one Mexican village is benefiting from its impacts

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Office of International Programs in Agriculture ...

  4. Putnam County Extension Educator Honored for His Work

    students over the past nine years. Arnold has organized and conducted an annual Agronomy Night for crop ...

  5. Putnam County to Celebrate 10 Years of Farm Safety Education

    for 10 consecutive years of farm safety. "We've had over 5,000 students attend the Putnam ...

  6. A Little Cunning May Do the Trick in Pepper Management

    Mark Bennett and graduate student Salvador Vitanza. For more information on the Ohio Fruit and ...

  7. Cattle Breeder, Extension Educator Inducted in Dairy Hall of Service

    industry, elevated the stature of dairy farmers, or inspired Ohio State University students. The award is ...

  8. President Gee Observes Economic Successes with OSU South Centers Visit

    and faculty, staff and students to share in the successes of OSU South Centers since its opening in ...

  9. Using Custom Rates to Show On-Farm Savings with No-Till

    soybeans. In a small project, conducted by Reeder's students in a machinery management class, it was ...

  10. Wet Fall and Warm Winter Leave Abundance of Manure Farmers Can Use as Crop Nutrient

    fertilizers, has resulted in manure being applied during summer and fall months after crop harvest, he said. As ...
