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  1. General Education implementation update

    Updates from the subcommittees: Advising, Bookend Courses, Embedded/Cross-Sectional Components, Expected Learning Outcomes, and Regional Campuses ...

  2. Open Enrollment

    Open Enrollment for 2020 benefits is Nov. 1-14, 2019. Benefit-eligible employees have the opportunity to evaluate and make elections for 2020.  ...

  3. Re-Envisioning Committee issues report

    align it with changes in its student population, emerging industry needs and opportunities, and the future ... making sure ATI adequately meets the needs of the two types of students it has: those pursuing two-year ... degrees and the increasing number of students who go on to four-year programs. Other priorities include ...

  4. Reminder: P-Card Deadline

    This is a reminder that the p-card deadline is Monday, October 29 th  at 3:00 p.m. ...

  5. Temple Grandin visits beef facility

    about her design and taking questions from a group of about 50 livestock students at the facility, which ... she emphasized the value of hands-on experiences that allow students to “try on” careers. “The ... she?'" Bond was one of a number of students who got the opportunitty to engage with Dr. Grandin at ...

  6. Welcome, Mitchel Gissinger

    Please join us in welcoming Mitchel Gissinger as the new Equine Agricultural Technician 1 ...

  7. New Submission Form for Buckeye Buzz

    We have a new submission form for the Buckeye Buzz ...

  8. Program Excel welcomes Kelly Mata

    We are excited to share that Kelly Mata will be joining Program Excel as an academic mentor on July 24 th.  ...

  9. Paws and Pumpkins

    Saturday October 26, 2019 10:00am – 2:00pm.  This event is free and open to the public! ...

  10. ATI's Peggy Lambert receives Distinguished Staff Award

    for entering ATI transfer students; conducts degree audits for students and assists them in meeting ...
