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  1. April 25 Forum to Focus on Increasing Ohio Farm to School Opportunities

    The goal is simple: to get more local foods to more Ohio students in more Ohio schools. The ... Ohio preconference is $40 and $20 for students and includes a locally sourced dinner. Transportation is ... for students and is free for OSU Extension employees. To register for the conference, visit ...

  2. New Employee Paperwork and Reporting Requirements

    labor involves hiring employees. All employers, including farms, employing farm labor must report all ... new hires to the state of Ohio. A new hire is defined an employee who has not previously been employed ... information about reporting new hires, answers frequently asked questions and walks employers through the ...

  3. Ohio State Professor’s New Animal Welfare Designation Shows Compassion, Expertise

    improve animal welfare on-farm. She also teaches CFAES undergraduate students and College of Veterinary ... Medicine veterinary students, focusing primarily on animal welfare and behavior in livestock industries. In ...

  4. Using Virtual Reality to Promote Farm Safety

    outreach education to farmers on grain handling safety. This summer, the C.A.R.T. was on tour across the ...

  5. Farm Income Expected to Rise

    increase due to higher costs for hired labor, interest and fuel, with some declines in expenses for feed ...

  6. Apple grant will help Wayne 4-H'ers

    the 4-H office could be an additional way students could learn editing and producing skills. The iPads ...

  7. Welcome Back!

    Over the past week, Chadwick Arboretum has been welcoming back students, faculty, and staff into our ...

  8. Tree University: Why Urban Foresters Do the Things They Do and How You Can Help

    programs manage public trees, but what can volunteers, students, and Master Gardens can do to help? Join us ... of the International Society of Arboriculture. Now retired, Drew sits on the Grandview Heights ...

  9. Chadwick Arboretum Friends Update: Summer 2021

    Dear Friends of Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens,   With the first weeks of summer already ... a new water feature next to the gazebo, too. Thank goodness for our five hardworking interns this ... club, summer camp, or friends’ group are interested in a tour, we would love to show you around.  You ...

  10. Helping farmers know their bottom line

    in, what they’re most passionate about. “We don’t always have good news for the farmer,” said Dianne ...
