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  1. Introducing the India Gateway: A Conversation with Dr. Nikhil Tambe

    institutions, promote inbound and outbound student mobility, identify funding sources and negotiate contracts ...

  2. CFAES Faculty Speak at World Bank Symposium on Higher Ed Partnerships and International Capacity-building

    World Bank Group". Dr. Mark Erbaugh, Director of the Office of International Programs in ... experiences working on a number of high profile international agricultural projects that The Ohio State ... international higher education institutions," said Mark Erbaugh, who also serves as the Administrative ...

  3. LOOK to Ohio

    employees. High school students in Ohio are getting a jump start through their participation in  LOOK to ...

  4. OSU Wooster Grad Students, Visiting Scholars lead Honduras Hurricane Relief Drive

    day, two members of the Entomology Department at OSU Wooster, graduate student Ana Trabanino Pino and ...

  5. Research

    The ESS Lab aims to advance the state of knowledge and disseminate findings for concepts and ...

  6. Office of International Affairs Releases Report for Strengthening the University's Success in the Fulbright Scholar Program

    In 2016, The Ohio State University's Office of International Affairs partnered with the ... International Affairs released a full-length report detailing the findings of the study and outlining ... international educational exchange and long-term cooperative partnerships." Click here to read the full ...

  7. Fulbright Week at Ohio State

    Fulbright Week The Office of International Affairs (OIA) will hold its 7th annual Fulbright Week ... the various programs and opportunities available through Fulbright to faculty and students at Ohio ...

  8. Ohio State Convenes iAGRI’s 2nd Climate Change Conference in Tanzania with International Partners

    The Office of International Programs in Agriculture, in Ohio State’s College of Food, ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, collaboratively convened a three-day international conference on ... the Future Project in Tanzania funded by the United States Agency for International Development ...

  9. Back-to-school COVID safety

    Ecology Aug. 11 6:30-7:30 p.m. for a conversation about keeping students, educators and staff safe. ...

  10. CFAES Faculty and Scholars to represent Ohio State at 2017 World Food Prize Event

    Sciences (CFAES) have been invited to attend the 2017 Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium in Des ... Kristina Boone, Director of OSU-ATI Beau Ingle, Program Manager, International Programs in Agriculture, who ... school students nationwide and from the other countries to present their projects related to food ...
