
Search results

  1. Shah Lab Meeting

    Room 100 (Wooster) Repeats every week every Monday until Mon May 21 2018 except Mon Mar 12 2018, Mon Apr 16 2018, Mon Apr 23 2018. Monday, January 22, 2018- 1:00pm to 2:00pm Monday, January 29, 2018- 1:00pm to 2:00pm Monday, February 5, 2018- 1:00pm to 2: ...

  2. Communiqué February 20, 2012

    with educators, program leaders, Director’s Internal Advisory Committee members, and others in our ... a wide array of topics related to enhancing the experience of all faculty, staff and students on Ohio ... Center Office of Student Life, the National Coalition Building Institute, and Towers Agricultural ...

  3. Workshop Venue Information

    availability) to and from the Port Columbus International Airport for our hotel guests. Please contact the ...

  4. Seminar AU '13

    Wahl is a graduate student in this department (FABE).  He recently defended his dissertation (Title: ...

  5. Farm Bill Legislative Committee Considers Dairy Safety Net Alternative Offered by Ohio State University Economists in Potential Compromise

    Report, an industry-based news service also in Washington, D.C. “Medium and small-scale producers, which ...

  6. Ohio’s Extension Leader Retires After Long, Productive Ride

    Leadership after taking a couple of months off.  He will also teach and advise students in the college’s ...

  7. Communiqué March 19, 2014

    produced foods and provide students with hands-on instruction about where food comes from and how food ... in locally-sourced foods and in improving the foods that are served to students. Additionally, ... used for Extension professionals. County directors – if you would like to purchase nametags for student ...


    We are looking for a student-designed t-shirt to represent our outstanding department, majors, and ... students. You are welcome to be as creative with your design as you would like (images, phrases, word mixes, ...

  9. WiE event- Chrysler Info. Session

    exclusively for WiE students.  Please join us on Feb. 6 th from 6:30 pm- 8:00 pm. In Knowlton rm. #190.  To ...

  10. Ohio's Agricultural Easement Purchase Program: An Evaluation of the Ranking System

    association of practitioners, academics, and students in economics, political science, and related fields. It ...
