
Search results

  1. Weight Watchers Promotion

    Purchase a WW membership between by June 27 and receive a free WW starter kit valued over $100. ...

  2. 2018 Ohio Pullorum Testing School

    program. You must be 18 years of age to become a certified tester. There is a charge of $50 per student to ...

  3. 2018 Ohio Pullorum Testing School

    program. You must be 18 years of age to become a certified tester. There is a charge of $50 per student to ...

  4. Application Fee Waiver

    If a student is eligible for an application fee waiver (i.e., receives free or reduced lunches or ... receives a fee waiver with ACT/SAT tests) due to a student/family financial reason, send a typed letter on ... school letterhead explaining the reasoning for the fee waiver.  It may be submitted with the student ...

  5. It's a wrap: FilmFest 4-H

    FilmFest 4-H, the national 4-H film festival was held in St. Louis this past summer and two Ohio ...

  6. ATI alumnus selected as nationwide Teach Ag ambassador

    Ambassadors. The selected students were chosen from a nationwide pool of applicants. The primary goal for the ... ambassadors will also work with local and state leaders in agricultural education to encourage students to ... agriscience education major at Ohio State prepares its students you to acquire a license to teach agricultural ...

  7. Congratulations, Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team!

    Madison, Wisconsin.  Six students participated in the two contests:  Lauren Almasy, Aaron Hand, Megan ...

  8. Sexual Misconduct Training on Oct. 26, 2018

    climate for our students, faculty, staff and all members of the university community is Ohio State’s top ...

  9. Terry Lanker receives national award

    recognizes one faculty member each year for his or her work in preparing students for employment in the areas ... instructor’s teaching philosophy and record of accomplishment plus endorsements from students, faculty, ... student organization and the Anderson Student Chapter of the American Institute of Floral Designers. Terry ...

  10. 1970's

    active in the International 4-H Youth Exchange Program since its inception in 1948. Never officially off ... Food 4-H Club as a student in 1919. In 1920 and 1921, she won trips to the Ohio 4-H Club Week at The ... Graham, then Superintendent of Springfield Township Schools, met with a group of 81 grade school students ...
