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  1. Kush Yadav Receives Spring 2022 Infectious Diseases Institute Trainee Enrichment Award

    Congratulations to Kush Yadav, doctoral candidate in Dr. Kenney's lab, on receiving ...

  2. Coronaviruses: Global threats to humans and animals. Presented by Dr. Linda Saif

    strategies. Her lab served as an International Reference Lab for TGEV porcine coronavirus for the Office ... Dr. Linda Saif, known nationally and internationally for her work on interspecies transmission of ... Prize in Agriculture. Among her many accomplishments, her laboratory serves as a WHO International ...

  3. GSU/CFAH welcomes CFAH alum Dr. Stephanie Langel to September meeting

    Graduate students, visiting scholars, and post docs had the opportunity to learn about Dr. Langel's ... special guest appearance by Michael Abundo, CFAH MS alumni. The CFAH Graduate Student Unit welcomes all ... graduate students, post-docs, and visting scholars to their events held every last Friday of each month. ...

  4. Eligibility

    schools, afterschool, summer food service sites, camps, churches and youth groups. Any family with an ...

  5. IDI TEDxOSU: Kush Yadav- “Hepatitis E: A Neglected Virus”

    Kush Yadav, a doctoral candidate in Dr. Kenney's lab, spoke at the June 24th  IDI TEDxOSU ...

  6. Summer Sprout, Cleveland's Community Gardening Program, Is Accepting Applications for 2023

    Hubbard at (330) 599-7736 or 2023 Summer Sprout Application ...

  7. Food and Picnic Safety

    to bask in the summer heat and sunshine, but these are major factors to consider when you serve food ... Ilic, Extension state food safety specialist, about what you need to know when hosting a summer picnic ...

  8. Ohio State Faculty, Students Share Racial Justice Work at Symposium

    staff and students discussed work they have collaborated on with community partners to bring about ... joining the university in autumn 2023. < Read full article... > DEI seed fund students faculty ...

  9. Summit on Extension in Ohio's Urban Communities

    Personnel (Capacity and Alignment) How we attract, hire, develop, and retain talent for long-term and ...

  10. Positioning

    positioning in urban communities, it’s imperative to engage internal and external partners and to improve ... calendar for specific internal and external stakeholders.  Consider Extension engagement locations ...
