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  1. Rein In Holiday Expectations:Try Out The Labor of Love

    spring or summer.  That would spread the cost out throughout the year and the enjoyment as well.  Maybe ...

  2. To Measure Food Waste, Ohio State Students Dig Into It

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — This sounds more like a dare than research. Student employees at The Ohio State ... this, students and staff are first mapping how much food is brought onto campus and then tossed out at ... Illinois, who will present her research on the changing food choices of students in university dining halls. ...

  3. More Fertilizer Certification Opportunities in 2018

    how many farms grow corn and soybeans on 50 or more acres of land, some farm owners hire someone else ...

  4. A Life in the CIty: The Often Unseen Biodervisity that Surrounds Us and Why It Matters, with Mary Gardiner, OSU Entemology

      April 28, 2018 Kottman Hall OSU Columbus Campus The Gardiner Lab studies vacant land as a conservation ... Lab Members)   Session 2: Wild Pollinators (Gardiner Lab Members)   1230-1:45 Lunch and Learn: The ... Pollination Investigators Program (Mary Gardiner)   1:45-2:45 The Ohio Bee Atlas and Summer Bee Blitzes ...

  5. Farmers’ Costs to Go Up

    state, farmland is being taxed at a lower rate due to a new law passed last summer. The price of renting ...

  6. Dairy Cattle Welfare Council Webinar Series: Designing the maternity pen with cow's natural behavior in mind

    interested in many aspects of dairy cattle welfare. Professional, undergraduate, and graduate students are ...

  7. Andy Geiger Buckeye Collection

    Athletics at The Ohio State University. Geiger, an avid amateur gardener, was beloved by students and ... State student, taken from family and friends while defending our country during World War II. The ... trees highly unattractive by mid summer. We recommend using species that are resistant to these ...

  8. Insects, Weeds, and Diseases Affecting Crops Earlier This Year

    weeds early in the season and could trigger a pestier summer. Ohio State University entomologists are ... their field at any given time and they know what levels,” said Kelley Tilmon, a field crop entomologist ... earlier to head north, Tilmon said. After migrating and finding homes, the moths begin to lay eggs in ...

  9. A Day in the Woods

    wildlife and stream ecology and the invasive insect threat they are facing-Enjoy a summer evening and learn ...

  10. Ohio farm incomes forecast to rise-again

    international tariffs on those goods. On average, government payments for farmers nationally this year are ...
