
Search results

  1. NEWS: Ohio State ATI top two-year college in Ohio for graduate salaries

    Homeroom, the official blog of the U.S. Department of Education, has released a state-by-state list of two-year colleges with the highest graduate earnings, and Ohio State ATI tops the list in Ohio and ranks number three nationally. The list was based on ...

  2. News


  3. Scholarship Golf Tournament Returns This Summer

    After a year's hiatus, the Ohio State ATI Scholarship Golf Tournament will return on Thursday, July 21 at Hawk's Nest Golf Course in Creston. The format is a four-person scramble with a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. The cost is $65 per person, whic ...

  4. News: Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team tops at PA All-American Dairy Show

    The Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging team turned in an excellent performance at the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Sept. 15.  The team was first overall and first in oral reasons.  Hannah Dye was second place indivi ...

  5. New Books and More

    2014   Student engagement in higher education: theoretical perspectives and practical approaches for ...

  6. Student Life

    Campus Life ...

  7. Nathan Donley puts down roots in the Ohio State ATI greenhouse

    Nathan Donley has joined the Ohio State ATI staff as greenhouse manager. Nathan is a 2009 graduate of the greenhouse production and management program and has worked for Cedar Lane Farms in Wooster and The Chef’s Garden in Huron as well as working his way ...

  8. 2015 Ohio No-Till (Summer) Field Day

    Contact  for detailed information, registration fees. ...

  9. News


  10. In Memoriam

    Mike McFrederick- Mike McFrederick, 51, died at home Sept. 6, 2015, following a long illness. Mike was a 1985 graduate of Ohio State ATI and worked as a project manager for Patti Group of Novelty, Ohio. McFrederick, his parents Roger and Janice (nee Sooy) ...
