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  1. Preschool: Summer Activities for Fun and Learning

    summer, they look forward to a long vacation, but it doesn't take long before you hear, ... "I'm bored!" Here are some fun, educational activities to do together to make a summer you'll ... with your local library for books and other resources on summer activities for children. The library ...

  2. Kindergarten: Summer Activities for Fun and Learning

    summer, they look forward to a long vacation, but it doesn't take long before you hear, ... "I'm bored!" Here are some fun, educational activities to do together to make a summer you'll ... with your local library for books and other resources on summer activities for children. The library ...

  3. Raspberries for the Home Fruit Planting

    are grown in a matted row system. Raspberries make an excellent fruit crop for both summer and fall ... is the red type. The red raspberry is the first bramble to ripen in the summer, followed by the ... classified as summer-bearing or everbearing. Summer-bearing cultivars produce one crop in early summer, while ...

  4. Farming with Parkinson’s Disease

    Danielle Poland, Student Intern, Agricultural Safety and Health, Food, Agricultural and Biological ... Mercola, J., & Droege, R. (2003). How to avoid Parkinson's disease. Wiley-Blackwell. ...

  5. Effective Ways to Promote Ohio 4-H Camps

    is important. Develop strategies to send email and social media marketing materials often, draft news ... Successfully Market Your Summer Camp. Retrieved from ... McNeely, N. N. (2004). The Ohio 4-H camp counseling experience: Relationship of participation to ...

  6. Strategies for Coping with Parasite Larvae on Pastures in the Springtime in Ohio

    many people think, the infective larval forms of many internal parasites of sheep and goats can survive ... of the life cycle typically begins in late summer and fall. At this time infective larvae consumed by ... welfare effects of internal parasitism, not to kill every worm. Generally, the best overall program will ...

  7. Millipedes

    of the year (usually late summer and autumn) due to excessive rainfall or even drought, a few or ... small groups in the soil. Some females lay between 20 to 300 eggs (fertilization is internal), which ... moist environments, usually going unnoticed in the summer due to their nocturnal habits (activity at ...

  8. Soybean Aphid

    creatures in that all of them during the spring and summer are females, and they give live birth to new ... winged migrations are often quite large, and have been known to become major news items. Figure 1. ... Soybean aphid adult and nymphs Figure 2. Close-up of wingless soybean aphid During late summer or early ...

  9. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Privet (Ligustrum spp.)

    late summer as clusters of pale green ovoid drupes at or near the branch tips. Ripened fruit is dark ... effective when initiated in early summer when underground food reserves are at their lowest. Plants should ...

  10. White Rot and Botryosphaeria Canker of Apple

    Apple fruits often become infected from mid-summer on without showing external symptoms. Thus, fruit may ... apples are placed in cold storage. However, when they are removed from cold storage an internal rot ... numbers. They are then washed and rain-splashed to other parts of the tree throughout the summer. Apple ...
