
Search results

  1. How to fight cancer with natural food dyes

    Monica Giusti’s lab budget wasn’t limitless. And the anthocyanins she studied weren’t cheap. So ... internationally known for her research on their potential as cancer-fighters and as natural food dyes. “Most ...

  2. Interdisciplinary Programs

    collaboration of Ohio State University faculty and students to prepare proposals, develop processes for the ...

  3. Innovation Seminar Series

    219 (Columbus) for a seminar featuring Dr. Paul Zorner, agbioscientist, international businessman, ... – graduate students, post-docs, research scientists and staff.  Refreshments will be served in Wooster. ... 500 companies. He has extensive international experience and has been a founder of several ...

  4. A Water Luncheon Seminar

    Harmful algal bloom research at Stone Lab: Monitoring blooms and determining drivers of toxin ... production This presentation will highlight several ongoing research projects at Stone Lab (Ohio State ... collect water samples for Stone Lab each week and data is returned to the captains the following week. ...

  5. Soil, Water and Environment Lab

    (SENR) providing research-quality data to OSU and other university researchers, students, and outside ... environmental testing. We also offer training for students and researchers who wish to perform their own ...

  6. HCS Spring 2016 Seminar Series: Fertile or futile? What ties Ahead in Soil Fertility Research for Ohio Farmlands

    Since joining the faculty in SENR, the Culman lab has taken on a number of projects spanning from ... the Culman lab and share the envisioned framework for soil fertility and soil health research and ...

  7. Postdoc Orientation: The Essentials at James Cancer Hospital

    All recently hired postdoctoral scholars, and anyone interested in learning more about the postdoc ...

  8. Waterman Agricultural & Natural Resources Laboratory

    Facility, the Waterman Dairy Facility, the Rothenbuhler Honey Bee Research Lab, the Waterman Headquarters ...

  9. Visit Us

    undergraduate students.     South Centers at Piketon Forestry, aquaculture, horticulture and business ...

  10. Williams Hall

    Laboratory, and the Service Testing and Research (STAR) Lab.  ...
