
Search results

  1. Forage Nitrate Toxicity a Major Concern as Drought Worsens

    this year in early harvested summer annual forages as producers needed feed. Plants readily take up ... before feeding it if you suspect higher levels! Call your forage lab and follow their guidelines closely ...

  2. Growing Garlic in Your Garden

    to plant garlic, and when to plant garlic so that you can enjoy your own harvest next summer. WHEN: ...

  3. Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus and Downy Mildew

    submit your samples to the Soybean Pathology and Nematology Lab at Ohio State University. For more ... information on how to submit a sample to our lab, click  HERE. Mail your samples to: OSU Soybean Pathology and ... Nematology Lab  Attn: Horacio Lopez-Nicora, Ph.D. 110 Kottman Hall 2021 Coffey Rd.   Columbus, Ohio 43210 ...

  4. Canning Time: What To Know About Preserving Summer Garden Yields

    Whether you are choosing to preserve your food by canning, freezing or drying, remember there are guidelines to follow for the best results both in safety and flavor ...

  5. Be Mindful of Fall Armyworm, Which Could Get Interesting

    summer and could cause problems into late summer. Unlike the true armyworm that only feeds on grasses ...

  6. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    improve your credit score Student loan debt management The Money Management workshop is a total of eight ...

  7. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    improve your credit score Student loan debt management The Money Management workshop is a total of eight ...

  8. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    improve your credit score Student loan debt management The Money Management workshop is a total of eight ...

  9. Lep Monitoring Network – News on Fall Armyworm (FAW), WBC and CEW, Update # 17

    This past week was our 17 th week of monitoring for Ohio pests at the Lep Network; we began reports for the fall armyworm, continued reporting on the corn earworm, and are finishing out our last week of western bean cutworm scouting. As we have been discu ...

  10. Fall Forage Management

    your testing procedures, remember that you are submitting a few ounces of soil to the lab, and you will ... acres. These cores can be combined to create one pooled sample for submission to the lab. To determine soil ...
