
Search results

  1. Distinguished Senior Spotlight: Cassidy Brozovich

    Involvement in college is how a student makes the most out of their time and can provide them with ... clubs and student organizations throughout her time at Ohio State. During her undergraduate career, she ... Scholars Group, a student research group for space-related research.  When asked which experience was the ...

  2. Jay Martin Lab Meeting for Research Group

    219 Repeats every 3 weeks every Wednesday until Thu Sep 28 2023. Also includes Wed Sep 27 2023. Wednesday, August 23, 2023- 11:30am to 1:00pm Wednesday, September 13, 2023- 11:30am to 1:00pm Wednesday, September 27, 2023- 11:30am to 1:00pm ...

  3. Food Supply-Chain Equipment Operations

    chain from harvest/assembly to preparation for consumption. After completing this course, students will ...

  4. Introduction to Humanitarian Engineering

    FABENG 3210 This course will introduce students to the field of Humanitarian Engineering, cover ... solving in low-resource settings, introduce students to reflection and communication skills for working as ...

  5. Engineering for Community Development in Ohio

    to food security in Central Ohio. In consultation with local social organizations, students will ...

  6. Need Farm Workers? It could get easier

    COLUMBUS, Ohio—Hiring migrant farm workers will become cheaper and easier as a result of several ... least $12.50 an hour, the average of those two hourly wages. “The new rules will allow farmers to hire ... hire migrant laborers have to apply for an H-2A visa for each person they hire. That visa allows ...

  7. Sours wins Provost's Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer

    engaging, and inclusive classroom for our students and this award has served as a reminder that our ... sustained efforts are hopefully being felt by the students." In FABE, he teaches Global Capstone I and ... where students can learn how their technical skillsets can have a positive impact on the world.  ...

  8. Sustainability of the Food Supply Chain

    Students will recognize the challenges of maintaining a sustainable food supply while minimizing ... environmental impact. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for AgSysMt 3400, FdScTe 3400, or FdScTe 3400.01. ...

  9. Campus Grad student orientation

    200 (Wooster) Dr. Andy Michel, hosting campus wide GRA meeting Wednesday, August 30, 2023- 9:45am to 11:15am ...

  10. FABE Students Take First and Second in Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

    Undergraduate Research Forum last week. The Denman Forum allows graduating student researchers to share their ... student researchers.  Cassidy placed first in the “Earth and Beyond” category with her poster titled ... the study over the summer. Madison's project, also in the "Earth and Beyond" category, ...
