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  1. OSU President Gee to Keynote Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair

    West Virginia University (1981-85). The fair features eco-oriented exhibits, student competitions, ...

  2. USDA Secretary Vilsack: 'Agriculture is Cool Again'

    At the same time you take the research into the classroom and teach those students what it’s all ...

  3. Manure Management Focus of One-Day Summer Event

    held this summer at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio. The 2008 Great Lakes Manure ...

  4. Unusually Cool Summer Temps Slowing Corn Development

    July 23, 2009 COLUMBUS, Ohio – Cooler-than-normal summer temperatures are slowing corn development ...

  5. Low Soybean Aphid Populations Predicted

    aphid populations for Ohio. Soybean aphid populations were high last summer, triggering treatment of ...

  6. Cleveland, Similar Cities Could Produce Most of Their Energy: Ohio State Study

    Ohio," was published online in the journal  Cities  last June. Parbir Grewal, a former intern in the ...

  7. High Fuel Costs, Low Rust Fears Driving Shift in Crop Plantings

    inventories projected this summer-- over two billion bushels – an additional 400 million to 500 million ...

  8. Get Ready to Plant Corn

    detected and soil conditions are dry (usually late summer). • Take advantage of crop rotation. Corn grown ...

  9. Forage Options Increasing for Frost Seeding

    species. Lespedeza is a warm season legume, which means that it can fill the summer slump period that cool ...

  10. Fighting High Fertilizer Costs with Alternative Management

    red clover or a type of vetch, into the wheat crop in the spring, allowing it to grow over the summer ...
