
Search results

  1. Winning submission at the American Ecological Engineering Society

    Watch the winning video submitted, by our students, for the student design competition at the ... student competition was to develop a creative 2-3 minute video summary of a stormwater BMP on Michigan ... quality on their own properties. The target audience considered were undergraduate college students ...

  2. Microbial Fuel Cell Learning Center

    chemical energy stored in organic compounds into electrical energy.  A team of researchers and students ... Students are introduced to the concepts of renewable energy and sustainability while exploring the ... students learn that byproduct streams traditionally regarded as waste in agricultural systems can be ...

  3. Seminar, Monica Lewandowski, Plant Pathology

    10 Things Every (OSU) Grad Student Should Know, 244-Kottman videolink to 121 Fisher ...

  4. A New Look (click for more)

    (photo) and a redesigned grad student office.  It is especially nice having new windows (that work), and ...

  5. Congratulations to Lauren Slutzky!

    77 Post-Doctoral and Graduate Students, from 25 universities including University of Michigan, ...

  6. ASABE Student Branch Meeting

    Join the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Student Branch for the first ... information on ASABE Student Branch, visit August 27, 2013 6 p.m. Room 104 Ag ...

  7. NRDT Site Tour Opportunity

    design office and then a tour of the site will take place. Students can meet in front of Halloran House ... (, but we have the ability to accommodate as many students that show up. Please dress for the ...

  8. 2019 Green Industry Summer Session


  9. CSM Competition Team Wins First Place at ABC Competition

    A big congratulations to current students Trevor Bunevich, Derek Goettemoeller, Andy Gest, Todd ...

  10. FEH (Fundamentals of Engineering Honors) EOY Cookout

    3:30-7:30pm.  The cookout itself will be from 5 to 7pm, and we are expecting about 250 first-year students and ...
