
Search results

  1. Proven Production Practices for Increasing Corn Yields and Profits

    a compacted zone is detected and soil conditions are dry (usually late summer).   Take advantage of crop ...

  2. Garden Etiquette

    Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens is a living research and education venue for students ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-35

    Concerned? Late Planted Wheat Should Tall Alfalfa Be Cut Before Winter? Tell CORN About Your Summer ... summer annual weeds comes into play. The issue here is not really control at the time of soybean ... controlled summer annual weeds that emerge in May. This is one situation where the use of on-farm treatment ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-25

    Additionally, we are not receiving many reports of rootworm damage this summer. It wasn’t until we noticed ... we will need to monitor this field throughout this summer and over the next few years, the ... time to mow wheat stubble to help reduce summer annual seed production and allow for better herbicide ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-07

    summer). 10. Take advantage of crop rotation- corn grown after soybeans will typically yield 10-15% more ... overwinter, so what you’ll be dealing with this spring is primarily spring- and summer-emerging marestail ... forecast wet summer April: Short and Long Term Weather Outlook We have a rain system for late Wednesday ...

  6. Tour the Green Roof on Howlett Hall

    chance. Join other students and faculty for a guided tour.  ...

  7. Ohio Noxious Weed Law

    added so that federal agencies could allow early-summer mowing of CREP and similar areas in order to ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-38

    What it May Mean for 2010. As you had read in this C.O.R.N. newsletter this past summer, soybean aphids ... will see significant problems the following summer. But the large mortality we observed with the ... recommend that growers maintain extra vigilance next summer until we see trends in what the soybean aphid ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-26

    numerous phone calls about how late in the summer should soybeans be protected from soybean aphids. The ... these small white aphids were also observed in 2003 in later summer, so it is nothing new. And they are ... remainder of the summer. The percentage pod injury should be determined by randomly counting the total ...

  10. OSU Weed Science Field Tour

    and a field tour with presentations by OSU faculty, staff and students will start at 9 am.  There is ...
