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  1. Take Steps to Protect Livestock from Heat Stress

    July 9, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- As summer progresses and the temperature rises, livestock producers ...

  2. Renovating Pastures? Try Frost Seeding

    fill in the "summer slump" period that cool season grasses experience. Although grasses do ...

  3. Using the Weather to Control Dollar Spot

    percent reduction in dollar spot development the following summer. "In the nine or 10 studies we ...

  4. Business as Usual With the Soybean Aphid? Not This Year

    part of the state generally void of the pest. In addition, cooler-than-normal summer temperatures in ...

  5. French Scientists to Speak on Water Runoff, Soil Erosion, New Role-playing Conservation Game March 29

    effort teams scientists, students, staff, individual farmers and landowners, and representatives of ...

  6. Communiqué July 18, 2012

    International. Tips on how to Get Better: The next time you make a mistake, rather than agonizing over it, ...

  7. Ohio State’s Dean of Food, Ag, Environment to Step Down

    1,900 faculty and staff, 3,200 students, and an annual budget of $195 million. Moser has served as vice ... of Ohio State.  “His commitment to students and his passion for the university’s land-grant mission ... international, national and state level, and has received numerous accolades.   “Bobby is a leader among deans, ...

  8. OARDC Scientist Honored for Inventions; Moves 'Discoveries Closer to the Marketplace'

    extremely useful in training students as the next generation of molecular biologists.” A patented ...

  9. Look to the Seal for Excellence in Ohio Wines

    United States and receives high marks nationally and internationally for excellence, but many Ohioans ...

  10. Wheat Down, But Not Out

    "The good news is that we looked at the soil and air temperatures across Ohio between October and ...
