
Search results

  1. GIS Essentials Quick Start Workshop

    Students will be given a dial-in number for the class, as well as a code for screen sharing to view the ... instructor's desktop. Student must have ArcGIS 10.0 or higher installed (60 day trial version available) as ... Google Maps, Advanced labeling in 10.1 and Creating Map Books Bonus time with instructor: Each student ...

  2. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    take a hit, but it may not be until after the heat of summer. A price drop is especially convincing ...

  3. Communiqué December 20, 2012

    reductions-in-force are currently anticipated, although a hiring freeze may be necessary. If so, a reduction in FTEs ... Break All the Rules, and Donald O. Clifton, chair of the Gallup International Research & Education ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    August. The Class III prices for this summer have been quite optimistic, especially when we look back at ...

  5. The Dairy Industry in Colombia

    Student, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Colombia is located in the northwest part ... Colombian producers to compete in international markets.  Even though productivity in Colombia is growing, ...

  6. SENR 2012 Environmental Science Student Symposium

    Over 450 student poster presentations.   Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom, Ohio Union- Second ...

  7. Communiqué October 9, 2013

    attitude sours, our self-confidence shrivels even more. And the cycle goes on and on. The good news is that ... distress Open Doors training is brought to you by the OSU Multicultural Center Office of Student Life. ... International Room with lunch provided. To register: Back to Top ...

  8. Bonnie's "Buckeye Moos" Update

    dairy youth from all areas of the State. As far as the collegiate level of judging, 5 students and ...

  9. Dairy Palooza and Collegiate Updates

    schedule.  OSU students participated in 4 major contests which includes the Pennsylvania All American, ...

  10. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    standpoint.  Of course, this may depend on how bad your crops were affected by the drought last summer and how ...
