
Search results

  1. Soybean Production Woes Continue into Harvest

    crop, associated with a wet spring, late planting and a hot, dry summer, will pose a challenge for Ohio ...

  2. Fall Sampling Helps Assess Spring Slug Populations

    "There is some indication that the slugs survived fairly well this summer despite the significant drought ...

  3. Exotic Elm Tree Pest Found for First Time in Ohio

    they pupate. Adults emerge throughout the summer and resume feeding on the host elms until they seek ...

  4. Don't Skip Soybean Aphid Scouting Despite Low Numbers

    the insect. "We haven't had any two summers similar to one another," said Hammond. ...

  5. Corn Diseases Not Helping Drought-Stressed Plants

    summer." To identify Stewart's bacterial leaf blight, growers should look for lesions on the leaves ...

  6. Lawn Maintenance Made Easy

    lawn. "Commit to regular irrigation in the summer or just allow the lawn to go dormant," said ...

  7. Woolly Bear Winter Prediction Not Science, But Fun

    October 21, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- The exit of summer always ushers in Fall familiarities- apple ...

  8. Ohio Raspberries in Short Supply This Season

    get them now." Approximately 360 acres of black, summer red and fall red raspberries are grown ...

  9. Herbicide Varieties Effectively Control Winter Annual Weeds

    chickweed and purple deadnettle, which primarily emerge in late summer or fall, tend to cause headaches for ...

  10. Know Soil Nutrient Needs for Best Continuous Corn Management

    fall or spring after corn or soybeans, or in the summer after wheat harvest. The key is to be ...
