
Search results

  1. Manure Sampling for Nutrient Analysis

    collecting a representative sample to send to the lab.  The small sample sent in to the lab must accurately ... mix and take a composite sample to send to the lab.  Typically, samples are sent to the lab in either ... plastic bottles (liquid) or one-gallon heavy-duty zip-lock bags.  Often labs will provide the containers.  ...

  2. Scout Alfalfa Fields for Alfalfa Weevil

    now until first harvest.   Andy Michel and Kelley Tilmon, OSU Extension field crop entomology ...

  3. Humanitarian Engineering Scholars

    where HES students volunteer as tutors for their science lab, as well as traditional classrooms. HES ... comprised of first and second-year undergraduate students who engage in a living-learning community. These ... students typically study engineering, but other disciplines are represented. Students apply and are ...

  4. Global Sustainable Village

    work we do in conjunction with community and international partners.  When constructed, GSV will be ... a hands-on experiential learning environment for students where innovations can be piloted, tested, ... for the GSV is its ability to better communicate the context of development to students and ...

  5. Fertilizer Costs Make Manure Look Better

    The past several weeks, agricultural news sources have been highlighting the rapid increase in ... like the farming business is sometimes a long list of “the bad news.” Fortunately, farmers are quite ...

  6. Summer Days Ahead: Don’t Ignore Heat Stress!

    Mary Ann Rose, Pesticide Safety Education With the arrival of summer, the risk of heat stress ...

  7. Making Time for Family Vacations

    plan some time away before the summer slips away.    Melinda Hill is an OSU Extension Family & ...

  8. Dr. Chris Ratcliff advances education through sustainable student farming at OSU

    Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been busy this summer with something one probably wouldn’t expect: ... hard at work securing the student organization’s next big thing: the revival of a student farm at ... amaranth, and sorghum in the garden, giving students an opportunity to be a part of the design, upkeep, and ...

  9. Mindful Walking

    and many home routines change, please consider making the outdoor classroom part of your summer ...

  10. Links

    (NECAS) ISASH-International Society of Agricultural Safety and Health NSC-National Safety Council ...
