
Search results

  1. Fall is the Best Time to Sample for Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN)

    Lab Attn: Horacio Lopez-Nicora, Ph.D. 110 Kottman Hall 2021 Coffey Rd.  Columbus, Ohio 43210 ...

  2. Insect Control

    occurs in the late spring and early fall following activity by adults in early spring and late summer ...

  3. Giant Ragweed Still Looms Large

    spring, giant ragweed can germinate through early summer. Continuous no-till practices and comprehensive ...

  4. Upcoming Ohio Certified Crop Adviser Pre-Exam Preparation

    Ohio AgriBusiness Association website: The Local and International Exams are ...

  5. Agronomy 101 Field Day

    Maira Rodriquez Duffeck, Postdocs in the Cereal Plant Pathology Lab, Soybean Disease Management with ...

  6. Pre-Sidedress Nitrogen Test to Adjust N Rates

    to the lab by an overnight carrier or air dry the soil if not immediately shipped. Request a PSNT ... soil nitrate test from the lab. Most labs provide results within 12-24 hours after receiving the ... N is 156 lbs. N/acre. A farmer gets a 19 ppm soil nitrate PSNT test back from the lab. Based on Table ...

  7. HAI Club Hosts 2nd Annual Sloth Yoga Event

    CHAIRE and the Human-Animal Interactions Club, our undergraduate student organization, were ... 150 registered participants, and it was an evening of fun and relaxation, particularly as students ...

  8. Agronomy 101 Field Day

    Maira Rodriquez Duffeck, Postdocs in the Cereal Plant Pathology Lab, Soybean Disease Management with ...

  9. CHAIRE/Wilds Pseudo In-situ Conservation Short Course

    Sciences, led a rhino fecal collection and analysis lab on Sunday. Students has the opportunity to ... Twenty students visited the Wilds this past weekend for the second annual Pseudo In-situ ... Conservation Short Course. Students spent two days listening to guest lectures and participating in hands-on ...

  10. Kelley Tilmon

    Kelley Tilmon State Specialist, Field Crop Entomology Entomology 330-202-3529 tilmon ...
