
Search results

  1. Ohio Fish Farms Rising Fast: $50M Impact, New Jobs

    center’s labs to farmers in the field-- or pond, as the case may be-- who use it to grow their farms, ...

  2. Chow Line: Expose children to more vegetables (for 8/17/08)

    research shows that the more exposed students are to fresh vegetables, the more vegetables they tend to ...

  3. 4-H News and Notes: February 5, 2016

    Dear 4-H members, parents, and advisors- Listed below are a few important 4-H updates and reminders.  Please click the links below for more details. ...

  4. Properly Manage Invasive Plant Species at Farm Science Review

    log on to For the latest news and updates, follow Farm Science Review on Twitter ...

  5. Direct Marketers May Be Exempt From Food License Registration or by following links on "Growers News" and ...

  6. No-Till, Controlled Traffic: A Winning Combo for Harvest Woes

    use of the technology due to the time and cost to transition to the system. "The good news is ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes: January 21, 2016

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Listed below are several important 4-H updates and reminders.  Please click the headlines below for more details. 2016 4-H Activity Fee Information Letter to all 4-H Families (mailed out January 20, 2016). Activity ...

  8. 4-H News and Notes: January 15, 2016

    Register Online Now for upcoming Required Advisor/Volunteer Trainings.  All returning 2016 4-H Advisors, Committee Members, and Volunteers are required to attend one of these events.  It only takes about 30 seconds to register online.  Otherwise, please c ...

  9. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Feb. 17

    Wooster. Sessions and activities for prospective students; breakfast, lunch included. Free. Information: ... 1328 Dover Road, Wooster. Sessions and activities for prospective students; breakfast and lunch ... Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Features exhibits, demonstrations, student contests and food ...

  10. Iraq/Korean Conflicts May Have Different Impacts on Agriculture

    effects — America’s standing in the international community when it comes time for other countries to ...
