
Search results

  1. What The Emergence of Social Media Can Teach Us About the Future of the Bioeconomy

    was written by Bradley Collins, OBIC Student Assistant and Senior at The Ohio State University. ...

  2. FIC Course Information

    ensuring quality. Includes hands-on lab sessions where attendees can test and evaluate their own ... company's products. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point- (HACCP) Upon completing this International ...

  3. CABLE Student Delegate Spotlight: Leyla Battista

    various areas of the bioeconomy and how best I can fit into it. Student Delegate Spotlight ...

  4. Two Towns, Two Environmental Impacts

    OBIC Student Assistant and Senior at The Ohio State University. Bioeconomy Basics ...

  5. 2019 Green Industry Summer Session


  6. Bioproducts World Showcase and Conference 2014

    businesses associated with selling products at Office Depot including Bio Fiber Solutions International who ...

  7. Online Food Directories for Ohio Consumers

    location (zip code and choose number miles),  season (spring, summer, fall, winter) In addition to food: ...

  8. Meet the Riehms! #FarmerFocus Friday

    and Amish goods from various locations in Ohio. Last year, the farm hosted more than 600 student ...

  9. Summer Meals Partnership Community Kick-Off


  10. Northwest Ohio Green Industry Summer Session

    Edible Landscapes-Jaqueline Kowalski, OSU Some of our clients want the most from the landscapes.  Why not suggest plants for the landscape that can also provide a source of food for their family.  It is not just adding tomatoes, but rather incorporating b ...
