
Search results

  1. DEI Student Spotlight: Nicole McMullen

    ​​​​​​For the May DEI Student Spotlight we are featuring Nicole McMullen who is an undergraduate ... student majoring in Agriscience Education in the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education and ... to ensure I apply for scholarships and work multiple jobs, as to prevent a lot of student debt. What ...

  2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Support Events for Spring 2020

    workshops lined up for our students this semester. Starting this semester, we will be co-hosting the ... Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Write-Ins with the Office of Research and Graduate Education. ... A write-in is a quiet space for students to get together to write independently in community and is a very ...

  3. New Study on Implicit Bias in Student Evaluations of Instruction

    A growing  body of research  documents systematic differences in how students evaluate college ... mitigate implicit bias in student evaluations of instruction. The study is being conducted at The Ohio ...

  4. Workshop: Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices

    This 90-minute program provides an overview of best practices for recruiting a diverse candidate pool and equitably evaluating them. Participants will examine the role that various forms of bias can play in screening applicants and identify ways that priv ...

  5. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Nicole Debose

    internal and public facing environments for students, staff, and program participants who are not white, ...

  6. A Message from Vice Provost James L. Moore III

    Asian-Americans, have emerged on social and other news media. Further, a recent report from the California State ...

  7. Undergraduate Business Women's Association to Host "Men as Allies" Dinner

    “Men as Allies” dinner. In honor of International Women's Day, UBWA is hosting ...

  8. Plant a Shrub Day at The Wilds

    30, 2022 at 8 am Meet at main parking lot at 14000 International Rd Cumberland, OH 43732 ...

  9. Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy Seeking Student Parent Participants for Study

    University are looking for undergraduate student parents to participate in a study with the aim of better ... understanding the childcare needs of Ohio State’s student parents. They are interested in collecting the ... information from student parents on childcare needs throughout two regular semesters, whether the needs are ...

  10. Pollinators in the City Series

    attend any/all sessions. All sessions will be recorded and posted on the Bee Lab website. ...
