
Search results

  1. Natalie Redfern

    Ohio State?  My favorite thing about OSU is the sense of community shared between all of the students ... OSU, and help other students who are going through what I went through. ...

  2. Drones for Spraying Pesticides—Opportunities and Challenges

    source (CropLife International, 2020), aerial spraying by a conventional, piloted airplane is normally ... CropLife International. (2020). Drones manual. (PDF). Retrieved from ... aerial vehicle for plant protection in East Asia. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological ...

  3. mRNA Vaccines: The Next Generation Tool to Fight Infections

    – Scientists in the lab test whether their ideas for a vaccine work in laboratory or animal experiments. ... Community vaccine safety mrna covid-19 Animal Sciences Veterinary Medicine ...

  4. Getting the Most Return From Your Timber Sale

    contemplating a timber sale should acquaint themselves with Internal Revenue Service regulations. Depending on ... advantages than the other. Also, individuals should acquaint themselves with current Internal Revenue Service ...

  5. Pulsed Electric Field Processing Applications in the Food Industry

    Janahar, Graduate research associate and doctoral student, Department of Food Science and Technology, The ...

  6. Nicole Greene

    you become a Peer Mentor?  I want to help incoming students adjust to college life. ...

  7. Nicole Greene

    you become a Peer Mentor?  I want to help incoming students adjust to college life.  ...

  8. Katie Woodruff

    meet new people and help new students as they start their time at OSU. ...

  9. Abbie Sapp

    and plan to become an advisor. In one sentence, why did you become a Peer Mentor?  to help students ...

  10. Madalyn Jones

    a Peer Mentor?  I wanted to be a peer mentor so that I can help the next group of students find their ...
