
Search results

  1. Buckwheat as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Cultural Traits Summer annual Minimum germination temperature: 50 degrees Fahrenheit Reliable establishment ...

  2. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Squash and Pumpkin

    Selection Soft Shelled (Summer Squash) Selection tips:  Skin should appear fresh, glossy, tender, and free ... from blemishes. The skin and seeds are eaten. Over-developed summer squash has a hard rind, dull ... 1 pound summer squash = 2–3 servings 1 pound winter squash (flesh) = 1 cup cooked 1 bushel squash = 40 ...

  3. Your Old Barn: Hiring a Contractor

    you have hired the right people to do the work. While choosing the right contractor may not be as ... Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana's publication, Hiring a Contractor. Step 1: Seek Free ... might ask the owner include: Were you satisfied with the work? Would you hire the contractor again? Was ...

  4. The Benefits of Family Meals

    HYG-5246 Family and Consumer Sciences 09/03/2019 Allison Labyk, Dietetic Intern Carolyn Gunther, ...

  5. Sudangrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Johnson grass with no underground rhizomes Brown midrib available on some hybrids Cultural Traits Summer ...

  6. Pearl Millet as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    inflorescences Cultural Traits Summer annual Minimum germination temperature: 65 degrees Fahrenheit Reliable ...

  7. Sweetclover as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    or summer annual Minimum germination temperature: 42 degrees Fahrenheit Reliable establishment window ...

  8. Soil Evaluation for Home Septic Systems

    map soils. Property owners need to hire a soil scientist to collect the soil depth, permeability, and ... Technology Learning Lab at or purchase Bulletin 905 “Soil and Site Evaluation for Onsite ...

  9. Sorghum-Sudangrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    more secondary roots than a corn plant Brown midrib available on some hybrids Cultural Traits Summer ...

  10. Native Trees: Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Butterflies, Bees, and Other Beneficials

    composed of tiny seeds. River birch fruits mature in late spring to early summer. The fruits of other ... eggs on cherry and plum trees. The fruits of most cherries ripen in mid to late summer. Their abundance ... late summer to fall, depending on the variety, and are small (2 inches or less in diameter), though ...
