
Search results

  1. Building Independence Through Agriculture

    offer support and resources for you and your employees Reviewing potential tax credits for hiring ...

  2. Slugs Likely to Thrive This Summer

    summer. “If you go out at dusk or after sunset with a flashlight, you might find them in the act,” Tilmon ... outpace the growth of the slug, whose appetite increases as it matures, said Kelley Tilmon, a field crop ... This spring and summer might just offer the perfect conditions for slugs, including the gray garden ...

  3. ANR Retreat

    Authorization, please use vendor/merchant, INTERNAL: OS/ANR Extension, IF you are not spending the night and only ...

  4. Brenna Braasch

    Brenna Braasch Master's Graduate Student; Laboratory Animal Health Technician University ... with a B.S. in Zoology and a minor in Animal Sciences. She is currently a CHAIRE graduate student ... employed as a laboratory animal health technician with ULAR (University Lab Animal Resources) here at Ohio ...

  5. Farm Record Keeping Workshop using Quicken

    Are you looking for a computer program that allows fast data entry, has internal accuracy checks ... computer programs that allow fast data entry, have internal checks for accuracy and summarizes data. ...

  6. Farm Record Keeping Workshops Using Quicken

    data entry, has internal accuracy checks and summarizes data? As farm size, income or debt increases, ... many farmers and lenders look for computer programs that allow fast data entry, have internal checks ...

  7. 4-H in the Classroom

    works with students in many different schools across Hamilton County, both during the school day and in ...

  8. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference ...

  9. OSU Animal Welfare Judging Team Wins Top Awards at AVMA Contest

    first time since 2019, AWJAC “teaches students to assess the welfare of animals in a variety of settings ... using science-based methods and reasoning. Students are given the opportunity to weigh evidence and ... This year's team reached a record high number, with over 30 students participating in the ...

  10. A DAY in the WOODS: Tree Shrub Identification

    summer characteristics. More events at:  ...
