
Search results

  1. Dairy Lab Workshop

    This two-day workshop focuses on classroom and hands-on exposure to laboratory methods and procedures in a working dairy laboratory. Testing is centered on all dairy products. You will learn about new testing methods and equipment, micro plating technique ...

  2. Ohio Ag Hall of Fame inductees have CFAES ties

    The Ohio Agricultural Council recently announced its 2016 Ohio Agricultural Hall of Fame inductees, and some faces familiar to CFAES are among them: alumnus and supporter Jack Fisher, alumnus Dick Isler, and former OSU Extension director Keith Smith.  All ...

  3. Cows on the Run Entertaining, But Injuries From Livestock No Laughing Matter

    corralled. The incident attracted the attention of hundreds of faculty, staff and students. Public safety ...

  4. You're Invited: CFAES Reception in Chicago!

    Join in on a celebration of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and reconnect with alumni and friends in Chicago this month. The deadline is approaching so register now.   ...

  5. Nominations Open for the Food Science and Technology Hall of Distinction

    Help highlight the success and service of the Ohio State University Department of Food Science and Technology alumni and nominate someone today for the Hall of Distinction. ...

  6. Herbicide-Treated Mulches Effective Method of Weed Control

    need for multiple applications. Mathers and graduate students Luke Case and Nathan Tuttle plan to study ...

  7. You’re invited: Horticulture and Crop Science Cultivate’16 reception

    Join fellow Horticulture and Crop Science alumni and friends for a reception July 11 at the Chadwick Arboretum.  ...

  8. Media Advisory: Ohio State Biosafety Lab to Be Named after U.S. Rep. Ralph Regula Friday, June 8, in Wooster

    June 6, 2012 WOOSTER, Ohio-- The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center's Plant and Animal Agrosecurity Research Facility (PAAR) will be named after longtime U.S. Rep.  Ralph Regula (Ohio's 16th District), at a ceremony this Friday, J ...

  9. Save the Date: Farm Science Review Is Sept. 20-22

    Please join the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at the Farm Science Review on September 20-22. For the second year, Farm Science Review will have an exclusive CFAES VIP Alumni experience for alumni and friends. ...

  10. Ohio Farm Bureau announces new Blanchard River demo farm project

    Three farms in northwest Ohio’s Blanchard River Watershed have been selected by the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service to serve as demonstration farms to showcase new and innovative ...
