
Search results

  1. No-Till, Controlled Traffic: A Winning Combo for Harvest Woes

    use of the technology due to the time and cost to transition to the system. "The good news is ...

  2. Iraq/Korean Conflicts May Have Different Impacts on Agriculture

    effects — America’s standing in the international community when it comes time for other countries to ...

  3. Ohio State Hort and Crop Welcomes New Chair

    next generation of scientists and feels fortunate to have educated many excellent graduate students ...

  4. Family Fundamentals: Guidelines aid parents to help child with homework (for Aug. 2009)

    step in and when to back off. Parental involvement tends to decline as students move through middle and ...

  5. Chow Line: Quick breakfasts can be healthful (for 4/11/10)

    in younger children but in teens and college students, too. Many people, like you, say they ...

  6. Ohio Weed May Be Useful Forage Product

    is all about." The greenhouse research, led by Ohio State graduate student Traci Bultemeier, ...

  7. Researchers Tackle Safety Issues with Leafy Greens

    of their graduate students, found that a combination treatment using ozone gas during vacuum cooling ...

  8. Stewart's Bacterial Leaf Blight Predicted Severe This Year

    summer carry the bacterium that causes Stewart's bacterial leaf blight. The disease was negligible ...

  9. "Feed Me Seymour!" Carnivorous Plants All Bark, No Bite

    around 50 or 60 degrees. For plants grown outdoors during the summer or grown next to a sunny window, the ...

  10. Prepare for Slugs/Aphids; Learn How at Conservation Tillage Event

    during the summer months is light, the ladybeetles may prevent the aphids from overwintering by actively ...
