
Search results

  1. Corn Rootworm Populations Spreading

    Entomologists are also continuing to see high levels of corn rootworm injury this past summer, both in corn ...

  2. Prepare Now for Soybean Diseases

    appearance in late summer, affecting leaves and sometimes spreading to stems and pods. Growers can manage ...

  3. Worried About Fuel Prices? Grow Cover Crops for Fertilizer Needs

    what are legumes, and whether they are a winter crop or a summer crop. Like cover crops impact the ...

  4. Yields All Over the Board in Ohio Corn Performance Trials

    December 8, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Summer drought and Hurricane Ike produced a mix of high and low ...

  5. Soybean Growers: Keep an Eye Out for White Mold

    cooler-than-normal summer temperatures resulted in the first major white mold outbreak in Ohio in nearly a decade. ...

  6. Wayne County Farm to Become Unique 'Living Laboratory' for OARDC

    "One great thing about this project is that not only faculty and students will benefit from it," ... study courses or internships, the facility is expected to make learning more appealing for students, who ...

  7. Community Nutrition Programs and Partners Help Thousands Get Their 'Plate in Shape'

    a series of four classes to children in collaboration with elementary schools, Summer Food Service ...

  8. Clever Rabbits or Not, Parking Lot Farm Is Seeing Results

    rest of the summer, which will be the project’s second full growing season, and its first with all of ...

  9. Flooding Could Injure Corn Crop

    with current forecasts of hot weather may be bad news for the state's corn crop.   Peter Thomison, ...

  10. OARDC Researchers Conduct First Genetic Study of Bedbugs, Find Possible Pesticide-Resistance Genes

    infestations include a boom in international travel; increased exchange of used furniture; a shift from ...
