
Search results

  1. Drinking Water Regulations

    water license and plan approval from Ohio EPA. Hire a qualified operator. The operator must be Ohio EPA ... problems. Water systems hire certified operators to test and treat water. However, the system owner is ...

  2. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator Requirements: Who Needs a License and What Steps to Take

    applicator license if you: apply pesticides to the property of another for hire apply pesticides for any ...

  3. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

    (Figure 4) Seeds:  Seed pods, produced by early to mid summer, are 1–2½ inches long and four-sided. The ...

  4. Berseem Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Summer annual Minimum germination temperature: 42 degrees Fahrenheit Reliable establishment window (state ...

  5. Sunflower as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Summer annual Minimum germination temperature: 65 degrees Fahrenheit Reliable establishment window (state ...

  6. The Benefits of Family Meals

    HYG-5246 Family and Consumer Sciences 09/03/2019 Allison Labyk, Dietetic Intern Carolyn Gunther, ...

  7. First Grade: Fun Summer Time Activities and Games

    extra time and energy for play and activities. Be ready to prevent summer boredom by keeping hands and ... minds busy. Here are some suggestions for summer fun.  Plant a Summer Flower or Vegetable Garden —This ... nearest YMCA or community recreation center for more summer activities and programs for children. Your ...

  8. Sunn Hemp as a Cover Crop in Ohio Identification Smooth trifoliate leaves Yellow flowers Extensive taproot Cultural Traits Summer ...

  9. Cowpea as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    slender pods (3–6 inches) with 6–13 seeds per pod Cultural Traits Summer annual Minimum germination ...

  10. Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Bumble Bees

    continues to lay batches of eggs throughout the summer, rarely leaving the nest.  Toward the end of summer ... and late summer are especially critical times for bumble bees. Maple, cherry and willow trees provide ... Pollinator Partnership: The Ohio State University Bee Lab: Xerces Society for ...
