
Search results

  1. Conducting a SWOT Analysis of Your Agricultural Business

    the internal workings of your farm business. These items are usually within the control of the ... and hired employees. Input from outside advisors, such as your attorney, banker, Extension educator, ...

  2. Internships and Careers

    is a brief list of some of the organizations and companies where our students have interned over the ... All students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) are required ... communication and community leadership. Students studying agriscience education fulfill this requirement through ...

  3. Fannin Recognized as CFAES Outstanding Undergraduate Student Employee

    Congratulations to ACEL student Elizabeth Fannin, an agricultural communication major from ... Jackson, Ohio, for receiving the CFAES Outstanding Undergraduate Student Employee Award!  The award is ... designed to honor undergraduate students who have contributed to the mission of the College, OARDC, or OSU ...

  4. ACEL banquet overview

    At our annual banquet and student showcase, we recognized award winners, graduating students, and ... other members of our department for their tremendous contributions to it’s success.  OUTSTANDING STUDENT ... Wright, agriscience education ACEL Outstanding Graduate Students Erica Summerfield, Outstanding Graduate ...

  5. Grape Berry Moth

    difficult to see. Second-generation eggs are commonly laid directly on the green berries to feed internally ... important management period needed to control populations. These adult moths produce eggs in late summer ...

  6. A Guide to Corn Growth and Development

    and BBCH scale: used at times by the international scientific community. Plant height: used on ... lengthwise and examining it internally. Often, kernels within R5 are specifically designated by the ...

  7. ACEL Students Serve Ohio FFA

    We are proud of ACEL students who serve the Ohio FFA Organization as State Officers. These ... students represent Ohio by providing leadership and guidance to the organization. State FFA office is ... tasks necessary to execute the various programs of work in the state association. ACEL students who were ...

  8. Shonna Smith Attends NASDA/MANRRS Agriculture Policy Summit

    Congratulations to Shonna Smith, MS student (Rajashekara lab) on recently being awarded a $1000 ... selected amongst 17 students to participate and meet individuals in the different state departments of ...

  9. College Savings Options

    graduation with 62% of students having some form of college loan (The Institute for College Access & ... a student loan may be on a college graduate entering the workforce. Starting to save for college is a great ... retirement should be a priority. Only with additional funds, should a college savings be pursued. Students ...

  10. Opportunities for Subsurface Nutrient Placement in Ohio

    Agricultural, and Biological Sciences; The Ohio State University Richard Colley III, Student; Food, ... Agricultural, and Biological Sciences; The Ohio State University Dena Wilson, Student; Agribusiness and Applied ...
