
Search results

  1. Drought Stressed Crops Can Be Chopped For Silage

    conditions throughout the summer, impacting the development of corn and soybeans. Some areas, such as west ...

  2. Delaying Corn Harvest Could Affect Yields

    a hot, dry summer — have set the stage for some of the worst stalk quality problems we've seen in ...

  3. Delay Fall Alfalfa Cuttings to Replenish Supplies Next Spring

    from that stress because of the poor growing conditions this past summer. Only now are those stands ...

  4. Corn Surprises, Despite Rough Growing Season

    conditions during the summer, which resulted in severe stalk lodging in certain hybrids, and many agronomists ...

  5. Chow Line: Truffles big on flavor, reputation and price

    are black summer truffles (Tuber aestivum vittadini). Their season is from June through October, and ...

  6. Chow Line: Summertime Corn: How sweet it is (for 7/1/07)

    regular sweet corn. You see super sweet corn in the corn in supermarkets in early summer-- it comes from ...

  7. Pumpkin Diseases Severe This Year

    the value of the crop. Customers don't want a pumpkin with a brown stem." Summer ...

  8. Raspberry Cultivars Vary in Nutrient/Cancer-Fighting Components

    healthiest punch. Ohio State University evaluations of two summer cultivars (Lauren and Killarney) and two ...

  9. Soybean Aphids Now Overwinter in Ohio

    and Development Center. "We think that it will come from migrating adults this summer ...

  10. Weather Reins in Aphid Populations This Season

    suggested that we would see large aphid numbers this summer," said Hammond. "But then we got that ...
