
Search results

  1. Business as Usual With the Soybean Aphid? Not This Year

    part of the state generally void of the pest. In addition, cooler-than-normal summer temperatures in ...

  2. OARDC Names BioHio Research Park Leader

    support companies, entrepreneurs, government agencies and OARDC faculty and students. She anticipates these activities will lead to ...

  3. Chadwick Arboretum Fundraiser Sale Sept. 7-9

    "As a student in Dr. (Phil) Kozel's class in 1975, Mike helped plant some of the original ...

  4. OARDC Receives National Research Award for Critical Soybean Rust Work

    survive the winter, as well as some unsung heroes right here in Ohio: several students, a large team of ...

  5. French Scientists to Speak on Water Runoff, Soil Erosion, New Role-playing Conservation Game March 29

    effort teams scientists, students, staff, individual farmers and landowners, and representatives of ...

  6. Look to the Seal for Excellence in Ohio Wines

    United States and receives high marks nationally and internationally for excellence, but many Ohioans ...

  7. OARDC Scientist Honored for Inventions; Moves 'Discoveries Closer to the Marketplace'

    extremely useful in training students as the next generation of molecular biologists.” A patented ...

  8. Wheat Down, But Not Out

    "The good news is that we looked at the soil and air temperatures across Ohio between October and ...

  9. Soils at Risk from Compaction When Spreading Manure

    damage to their soil. The good news, however, is that compared to large equipment on most grain farms, ...

  10. Proper Storage Important to Keeping Seeds Viable

    International Seed Federation, the value of seed in 2002 was estimated at $4 billion and is expected to increase ...
