
Search results

  1. Stink Bug Management: 2019 Soybean Crop

    early detection of stink bug numbers and potential damage. This week, Andy Michel and Kelley Tilmon, OSU ... are soybeans in a much greater variety of growth stages than usual this summer.  What does this mean ...

  2. 4-H Camps Return This Summer

    This summer Wayne County 4-H will offer two summer camp opportunities – Cloverbud Day Camp and ... and teens attend camp? Summer camps have been credited with being full of transformational experiences ...

  3. Summer Activities

    These beautiful days suggest that summer vacation is just around the corner.  Many of us may have ... parents spent about $985 per child on summer expenses such as camps, school activities, or trips.  Making ... plans now, can alleviate many problems down the road.  What are your goals for the summer?  What kind of ...

  4. Warm Weather Means Warm Season Grasses

    Planting warm season annual grasses are a feasible way to improve summer pastures or hay fields to maintain ... dry matter production during the cool grass summer slump. A few warm season annual grasses that come ... The University of Minnesota considers it to be a summer cover crop to help in building soil and ...

  5. Compassion Fatigue

    It’s refreshing to look back over the spring and summer and recognize some projects that were ... becomes our past tomorrow”.  The days of summer are quickly fading and we find ourselves ready to launch ...

  6. Mr. Patrick Sours

    Mr. Patrick Sours Graduate Student- Department of Food, Agricultural & Biological Engineering ... (330) 321-5791 Involved with numerous international projects while at OSU. ...

  7. Plant Now to Graze Later

    utilize fields that laid fallow for the summer or fields that were in wheat or another small grain. ... summary, prepare for late summer forage planting as you would other times of year – soil test, prepare ...

  8. Prof. Betty Lise Anderson

    Electrical & Computer Engineering 200 Caldwell Lab 614-292-1323 We conduct a K12 STEM ... way through 12. The projects are created by OSU engineering students. All the instructions and ... have reached over 23,000 students since 2008, and been to over 100 different schools. If you would like ...

  9. Current Farm Management Issues Webinar Series

    with an Ag Lender, Estate Planning, 2020 Grain Marketing Strategies and Recruiting, Hiring and ...

  10. A Good Night's Sleep

    helpful- yes, even on the weekends.   Enjoying the sunshine early in the day helps our internal body clock to ... before bedtime.  This allows the brain to settle and the internal clock to release the natural melatonin ... like serotonin which help with our internal clock and decrease our stress levels. As spring weather ...
