
Search results

  1. Academic Coaching

    Helps students prepare for specific lab and lecture quizzes and tests. ... Your academic coach:     Makes course content relatable. Coaches students through course content ... as well as strategies for success. Offers study tips. Focuses on a student’s individual academic ...

  2. List of Scholarships

    Michael Memorial Scholarship One scholarship for a second year student majoring in hydraulic power & ... Second year students in AS programs, involved in ATI and community activities who plan to continue their ... education in the College of FAES Arden L. Shisler Family Scholarship Fund for 4-H Students One or more ...

  3. Other Art Features

    Whimsical Gardens Every few years, students create a whimsical garden somewhere in Chadwick ... gardens. You never know what temporary displays have been created by staff, students, and/or volunteers. ... MFA Art Student Installation OSU art student, Jon Capps is completing his second year Master of Fine ...

  4. PFC Donald David Mayhew Memorial Grove

    maintained by our students. Mayhew, who had a strong passion for trees, was a former Ohio State University ... student who was taken from family and friends while defending our country during World War II. The Mayhew ... a living reminder of Mayhew’s life and passion, but as a place of learning and respite for students and ...

  5. ATI students attend MANRRS national conference

    student Noah Hart, who has awarded a scholarship from Land-O-Lakes!   ...

  6. Spring Plant Sale and Auction Fundraiser

    garden sanctuary. Step into our Learning Lab, where engaging educational demonstrations on various garden ... Chadwick Arboretum, student organizations, and local businesses alike. Come one, come all! Let's ... containers grown by Chadwick Volunteer Allen Fabian Plant Pathology Graduate Student Association: Native ...

  7. Student Orientation Peer Group Questions

    What questions would you like answered? CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. ...

  8. Volunteers needed for CFAES Carnival on 4/15

    encourage students to play the games, etc. If you are able to help during any of the time frame, please see ...

  9. Application Process

    Application Process Students who wish to participate in the Academy program at Ohio State ATI ... State ATI, students must submit the following materials by the deadline (see " Application ... Mature Content Permission Slip  (online form) completed by the student and parent after the student ...

  10. Virtual Volunteer Info Session

    a Master Gardener Volunteer, a student, or a community member, volunteering at Chadwick Arboretum is an ...
