
Search results

  1. Farm Income Expected to Rise

    increase due to higher costs for hired labor, interest and fuel, with some declines in expenses for feed ...

  2. OBIC Brings Soy-Based Learning To The Next Generation

    school students recently received during the 2018 Soy Smarts Summer Camp. In association with the Ohio ... Summer Camp was able to make a lasting impact on the students that are beginning to develop their career ... support from the Grow Next Gen interns that made this lesson possible. Once on campus, students visited ...

  3. Helping farmers know their bottom line

    in, what they’re most passionate about. “We don’t always have good news for the farmer,” said Dianne ...

  4. New Training Request Form

    In addition to the opportunities listed in the Events section there are several internal options ... developed by the OSU Multicultural Center Office of Student Life. This training has been very popular and ... Multicultural Center Office of Student Life. This training has been very popular and well received by our ...

  5. Breeding for Faster-Growing Bluegills and Yellow Perch

    selective fish breeding that will be available this summer. (Additional photos for this release can be ...

  6. Service Center Resource Guides

    Overview “CFAES Resource Guides” are internal high-level summaries to provide departments and ... and internal controls designed to mitigate the risk of financial impropriety and any resulting damage ... Internal Dialogue Prior to Purchase Some “CFAES Resource Guides” encourage or recommend internal dialogue ...

  7. Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices

    This 90-minute program provides an overview of best practices for recruiting a diverse candidate pool and equitably evaluating them. Participants will examine the role that various forms of bias can play in screening applicants and identify ways that priv ...

  8. Multiple Perspectives on Acces, Inclusion, and Disability Event April 12-13th

    State University  This year’s Multiple Perspectives Conference will be free to Students, Faculty and ... Staff ($10 each day if you want lunch).  When you share this information with your students please note ... that the Dead Line is Extended for Student Poster Submissions are due March 22, 2017 the information is ...

  9. DEI Student Spotlight: Siddhartha Bora

    For the April DEI Student Spotlight we are featuring Siddhartha Bora who is PhD candidate in the ... field of study? I am a graduate student working towards a PhD degree in the Department of Agricultural, ... with my peers. Also, I learned a lot from my students when I served as a teaching assistant. ...

  10. Pamela Thomas Retiring at the End of May

    Pamela Thomas, Program Manager for Student Success and a member of the Office of Diversity, ... instrumental in the development of a new study abroad program focused on multicultural students. She advised ... the Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) student organization ...
