
Search results

  1. Harvest Management of Sorghum Forages

    Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Crawford County, The Ohio State University Summer annual ... management of these grasses. The general guidelines for harvesting or grazing these summer annual grasses as ... Summer-Annual Grasses. We planted a trial on July 19, 2013 near South Charleston, OH to evaluate the yield and ...

  2. Corn Silage and Foliar Disease

    but a few samples that look like tar spot have been submitted to the lab for diagnosis. Previous years ...

  3. Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute: Dairy Outlook

    and demand.  International demand for U.S. dairy products is expected to remain positive.    While the ...

  4. Campus Sustainability Report 2019 Now Available!

    The 2019 Campus Sustainability Survey report is now available. Overall, we find that student ... 1. Emphasize reduce, reuse, and recycle. Students are very supportive of recycling, which is an ... at Ohio State. It takes all three! 2. Link diet with sustainable behavior. Students as a whole ...

  5. Sources of Hay Markets

    market reports) UDSA Reports: Hay and Forage Grower ...

  6. Face-to-Face Again with the 2021 Ohio Dairy Challenge

    Challenge provides the opportunity for students to experience the process of evaluating management practices ... a contest format for undergraduate students whereby they are grouped generally into teams of three to four ... provided to students.  On Friday afternoon, the students and judges spent about two hours at the farm ...

  7. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    reflective of recent trends and the increased cost of protein sources continuing through the start of summer ...

  8. App Design at Marion Harding High School

    Harding High School students decided to partake in the  Apple Inclusive App Design Activity  and create an ... Science Education Week, December 6-12, 2021, the student’s goal was to create an app prototype focused on ...

  9. USDA Releases March Dairy Report

    because of relatively high domestic and international prices.  The 2022 prices are forecast at: $21.65/cwt ...

  10. Bankruptcy

    people facing financial turmoil wonder if they really need to hire a lawyer to get them through the ... process. The law does not require that you hire an attorney, but bankruptcy is complicated and will have ...
