
Search results

  1. Precautions for Feeding Frosted and Drought-Stressed Forages

    grazing drought stressed forage, send in a forage sample to be tested for nitrates. Most labs now offer ... nitrate tests, so it is likely that you can get a forage nitrate test by your favorite lab. Several labs ... no labs are intentionally omitted. Check your chosen lab’s website or call them and follow their ...

  2. AFRI Grants for Education and Workforce Development

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  3. News & Events

    News & Events OSU Urban Extension is available in a variety of formats. Check out the Urban ... Updates blog, our upcoming events, the news stories below, subscribe to our newsletter, and view ...

  4. VOLUME 24: ISSUE 2


  5. Dairy Numbers Considered: A look at 2019 and 2020

    struggled. The 2020 analysis will show the same. That is good news and bad news, depending on which group you ... that we would characterize as not the best. Another piece of good news is that the farms that make the ... high 20% are not the same every year. Why is that good news? Because those farms are consistently in ...

  6. Ohio Dairy Risk Management Series Held in November 2020 Offered a Range of Important Information to Dairy Producers

    international milk product markets, and dairy risk management tools. Slides and recordings for all presentations ...             Session two highlighted domestic and international markets. William Loux from the U.S. ... United States. International demand for US dairy products is up in 2020, driven primarily by China and ...

  7. Manure Sampling for Nutrient Analysis

    a representative sample to send to the lab. The small sample sent in to the lab must accurately represent many tons ... a composite sample to send to the lab. Typically, samples are sent to the lab in either plastic bottles ... (liquid) or one-gallon heavy-duty zip-lock bags. Often, labs will provide the containers. The next question ...

  8. Zooming in on the 2020 Ohio Dairy Challenge

    map, a farmer questionnaire, and feeding information were provided to students on Wednesday pm when ... students could begin evaluating the information. On Friday afternoon at 2:00 pm, a Zoom meeting was held ... with the farmer for the students to ask questions about the operation. Students had to turn in their ...

  9. Personnel Changes in the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University

    and current MS student, has been hired as the assistant manager. With several retirements in recent ... years, the Department has positioned for hiring some additional faculty. We will be interviewing three ...

  10. August 28 Deadline for Coronavirus Food Assistance Program is Fast Approaching

    Buckeye Dairy News here: ...
