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All Day Art at the SAC
It's spooky season!! Hang out at the SAC for some All Day Art on Thursday, October 29 from 11:00 am- 5:00 pm! Pick one of four Halloween characters to make your own- Ghost, Frankenstein, Mummy or Pumpkin!! Space is limited in each hour block. REGIST ...
Name that Tune
Grab some friends, but no more than 10, for a few rounds of Name That Tune! When: Wednesday, October 28th at 5:00 pm Where: SAC Game Room Gift Card for winner!! Prizes for all!! REGISTER ...
Calling all Muggles!!
Join us on Thursday, October 22 at 3:00 pm for Harry Potter Trivia @ The SAC! This in-person event is limited to 10 participants so sign-up fast for your chance to win prizes! SIGN UP In the meantime, find out which Hogwarts House you are in..... ...
Farmhouse Fraternity
A Message from Farmhouse Fraternity.... My name is Aaron Smith, and I am the Vice President of Recruitment and Retention for FarmHouse ATZ. Have you ever considered joining a fraternity? FarmHouse ATZ might just be the fit for you! Even from a branch camp ...
Visit the Clothesline Project at the SAC
Visit the Clothesline Project! The Clothesline Project is a program started on Cape Cod, MA, in 1990 to address the issue of violence against women. It is a vehicle for women affected by violence to express their emotions by decorating a shirt. They then ...
Tax Planning Considerations in an Unusual Year
received, however Internal Revenue Code Section (IRC §) 451(f) provides a special provision that allows ...
Congressman Tim Ryan Discusses Mindfulness with Students
Congressman Tim Ryan Discusses Mindfulness with Rayen Students U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, northeast ... with students regarding mindfulness. He discussed his book, “A Mindful Nation: How a Simple Practice ... session, Ryan talked about stress and the different ways to alleviate it. He also directed the students ...
Extra $1 Million in CFAES Scholarships Awarded for 2016-17
an additional $1 million in financial support to its undergraduate students for the 2016-17 academic ... year. “The need to support our students has never been greater,” said Bruce McPheron, vice president for ... model that takes into consideration all the complexities of financial support for our students. “Our ...
All Day Art at the SAC
All Day Art Have a break between classes? Need to get away from Zoom? Sign up for a time block and complete a project at the SAC! Spaces are limited to 9 people per hour so sign up fast to secure your time for October's project! When: Thursday, Octob ...
CFAES Career Expos draw large crowds
Students and employers met this fall on the Columbus and Wooster campuses to attend Career Expos ... hosted by CFAES’s Academic Programs office. Employer and student participation was as follows: ... Construction Career Expo, Sept. 29 55 companies represented. 147 students attended. Ohio State ATI Career Expo, ...