
Search results

  1. Annual Christmas Tree Sale

    The Ohio State University Forestry Forum, a group for students working toward forestry careers, ...

  2. Lynn E. McCall Colorado Spruce Collection

    honor her husband and their father, Lynn E. McCall. Lynn's ashes were interned at the site during ...

  3. Anthracnose Management on Greens (Basal Rot Anthracnose)

    spring or summer.    PREVENTATIVE   PROCEDURES   Preventative management strategies. Where concerns exist ... stress. Both extremes in watering increase the disease. Poor surface drainage and/or poor internal root ... summer. In most cases Poa annua or creeping bentgrass is affected, but not both grasses at the same time. ...

  4. Broadleaf Weeds, Frost Injury and Disease Highlights

    increase in early summer. Lawns with this condition should be properly maintained with good mowing ...

  5. Recycle those Pastic Pots and more at the Community Recycling Event

    students, and staff. Thanks for continuing to support our programs and operations! Mary C. Maloney, Director ...

  6. PCNB Developments and Snow Mold Management

    us. Late this summer there were changes made about PCNB products. Basically the US EPA had reason to ...

  7. Gray Leaf Spot in Ohio

    Practices:- Reduce or limit nitrogen fertilizer in the summer. Avoid quick-release sources of nitrogen.- ...

  8. Annie Mayle

    still time to convert me to horticulture. I am Mary Maloney's student administrative assistant, and ...

  9. Bamboo Garden

    spring or early summer. Here are some tips to keep bamboos where you want them. Choose your varieties ...

  10. GRASSOLOGY!! As seen on TV!!

    else in the world. When selecting grass seed, we always tell our students and people in the industry ...
