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  1. Keep Yourself Moving in the Winter Months

    Sunburns and skin damage can happen in winter just like summer. In fact, snow reflects the sun’s rays, ...

  2. What I Learned From 2,000 Miles On The Road With The Sustainable World Tour

    institutions across the country have teamed up to create this consortium that features one student from each ... I was on my way to St. Louis, Missouri to pick up PhD student and CABLE Student Delegate from the ... efforts, in pursuit of a Sustainable World. This article was written by OBIC Student Employee, Brad ...

  3. Watch for Palmer Amaranth

    more common.  There are stories of growers spending $100/acre and more to hire labor to hand pull ...

  4. News


  5. Back to School Budgets

    These hot days are a little more than I bargain for during the peak of summer, but I’m guessing ...

  6. Join 4-H in 2019!

    Projects? No, in addition to completing educational projects, 4-H offers summer camping experiences and the ...

  7. The Farm Balance Sheet

    of liabilities include feed and seed expenses, fuel, supplies, veterinary bills, custom hire ...

  8. Corn Harvest Considerations: Stalk Quality and Combine Adjustments

    rind strength, which contributes to plant standability even when the internal plant tissue has rotted ...

  9. CABLE Student Delegate Spotlight: Tannon Daugaard

    to continue my career in." Tannon Daugaard is the CABLE Student Delegate from Iowa State ... desires in employees and what other universities do to prepare their students for potential bioeconomy ... careers. I hope to use this knowledge not only to mentor future students but also to potentially ...

  10. Looking for On-farm Nutrient Cooperators

    questionnaire about soil management All lab analyses will be paid for and we will work with you to ensure that ...
