
Search results

  1. Applications Being Received for FFMPI Affiliated Faculty and Staff Members

    for faculty and staff who are not hired to directly work for FFMPI. Individuals will be selected on ... to build internal and external networks and develop potential outreach and research collaborations. ... accomplishments of FFMPI faculty and staff, their students, and collaborators for communications or marketing ...

  2. ACT's Night for Young Professionals

    speaker, hear a panel discussions, talk with hiring personnel on interviewing and learn how to effectively ...

  3. How to Apply

    Graduate School must approve the admission of any students with less than a 3.0 GPA. Doctoral program ... their graduate program. Prospective students with any questions about the application process or ... that many faculty are not as available during the summer as they are during the autumn and spring ...

  4. Mycology Minor

    to students interested in multiple areas of biology and chemistry research, including natural ... products discovery and synthetic biology. The Minor in Mycology is open to all students with introductory ... Mycology PLNTPTH 5040 (Lecture) PLNTPTH 5041 (Lab) Plant Pathogenic Fungi PLNTPTH 5050 Food Fermentations ...

  5. ACEL has 62 students named to CFAES Dean's List

    students recognized by the University for their academic accomplishments for the 2023 Autumn Semester as ... a member of the Dean’s List. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must have a 3.5 GPA or higher. ... Students who were named to the Dean’s List include: agricultural communication Haylee Acquah Josie ...

  6. CC Allison Award

    from students and friends, the C.C. Allison Fund in Plant Pathology was established for presentation of ... Research and Development Center, which honors one outstanding graduate student each year.  He also ... president of Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association in 2015.  On a national level, Walsh serves on ...

  7. Sally A. Miller

    The American Phytopathological Society, 2011- OARDC News Release International IPM Excellence Award, ... International Programs USAID IPM Innovation Lab (formerly IPM Collaborative Research Support Program) since ... using an integrated aerobiological model. International Journal of Biometeorology 62:655-668. Deblais, ...

  8. ACEL Banquet

    The annual ACEL banquet will be held on Tuesday, April 16. We invite students our students ... student showcase 6:15-7- dinner 7-8:15 awards ...

  9. A Day in the Life of a CFAES Student

    CFAES Day in the Life of an Undergraduate Student- Charis Ramsing (4:22 min) Charis graduated with ... her B.S. Agriculture- Plant Pathology and was active in undergraduate research and the student farm.  ... In this video, she takes us on a little journey of a day in her life as an undergraduate student. ...

  10. ACEL Graduate Student Association

    The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership's Graduate Student ... scholarship and community among the department's graduate students. The GSA currently coordinates monthly ...
