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Tractor Accident Can Happen to Anyone
traumatic injuries. The video was distributed to over 5,700 farmers in late summer 2005. Accompanying the ...
'It's a great way to get your feet wet if you're just starting out in the business'
offers both hands-on training for Ohio State students in food science and technology, Alvarez said. ...
April Innovation Seminar
across the industry university relationship continuum from student internships and recruitment to ...
Anthracnose Management on Greens (Basal Rot Anthracnose)
spring or summer. PREVENTATIVE PROCEDURES Preventative management strategies. Where concerns exist ... stress. Both extremes in watering increase the disease. Poor surface drainage and/or poor internal root ... summer. In most cases Poa annua or creeping bentgrass is affected, but not both grasses at the same time. ...
Recognizing Farm Equipment Hazards
to tissue, bones, or internal organs. Crush points can include being caught under or between moving ...
Broadleaf Weeds, Frost Injury and Disease Highlights
increase in early summer. Lawns with this condition should be properly maintained with good mowing ...
Co-Producer Interest
are looking for students who are committed to the recognition program, as well as creative, good at ...
Bob Gustafson Wins Ohio State Distinguished Faculty Service Award
Committee. His chairmanship of the Council on Enrollment and Student Progress was transformational; the ...
Student Financial Aid Resources
Money matters! It is important to be aware of fee deadlines, but also financial aid and scholarship opportunities. While there are many resources available for these things, here is a small collection of resources to get you started! ...
What you should know about OARDC SEEDS, the OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program
presentations around the world. Since the student SEEDS grants were introduced in 1998, they have funded ...