
Search results

  1. Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development Annual Meeting

    AIARD Annual Meeting 2017- Washington, D.C. This year’s AIARD annual meeting will explore the emerging science and implementation strategies of organizations working on climate smart agriculture and how these can contribute to agricultural growth and impr ...

  2. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Conference

    AIAEE 2017- Minneapolis, Minnesota Conference Agenda  (draft) Call for Abstracts Call for Posters Register for the Conference Reserve your Hotel Room Post-Conference Professional Development ...

  3. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Pest and Disease Diagnostics for International Trade and Food Security: An International Short Course

    Please see the  Course Brochure  or contact  Nuris Acosta  for more information ...

  4. Ohio State Awarded Three Grants to Support International Collaboration on Global Issues

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio State University has been awarded three grants of up to $250,000 each as part of the Global Innovation Initiative, a new program funded by the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom to foster multilateral researc ...

  5. News


  6. New Graduate Student Orientation


  7. Dairy Lab Workshop

    This two-day workshop focuses on classroom and hands-on exposure to laboratory methods and procedures in a working dairy laboratory. Testing is centered on all dairy products. You will learn about new testing methods and equipment, micro plating technique ...

  8. Summer Semester Graduation Party


  9. New Graduate Student Orientation


  10. A Taste of Science Tempts Buckeye Students

