
Search results

  1. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    vegetables. Andrew Stratton, an undergraduate student in our department spent the 2012-2013 school year ... about the aquaponics project. Ohio State Engineering students addressing global challenge with ...

  2. Gypsy Moth 'Mating Disruption' Treatments to Begin in Eastern and Central Ohio

    the gypsy moth becomes popular in some unexpected places like it did last summer in downtown Columbus. ...

  3. Researcher Studying Agriculture Fairs and Flu Among Pigs

    safe from flu. This summer Bowman’s research is especially relevant as the Ohio Department of ...

  4. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    vegetables. Andrew Stratton, an undergraduate student in our department spent the 2012-2013 school year ...

  5. Lauren Slutzky to participate in ThinkChicago

    presents outstanding college students with a VIP tour of Chicago’s fast-growing tech scene, connects them ...

  6. CSM students get behind the scenes tour of the Schottenstein Center

    As part of their hands-on curriculum, our CSM student tour facilities on and off campus to learn ... about different construction systems. Students in CSM 2345 toured the Schottenstein Center to learn ...

  7. InFACT new Hires Meeting

    200 (Wooster) Cheryl Fischnich 202-3537 (.1) Thursday, October 25, 2018- 9:00am to 1:00pm ...

  8. M. Banta

    conference room 202 for Mr. Banta, the instructor of CSM 4642. One of his students has to take the final ...

  9. ASABE Attends National FFA Convention

    high school FFA students to plan and prepare to be agricultural and biological engineers.   ...

  10. Student Banquet

    219 Wednesday, February 6, 2019- 2:45pm to 3:30pm ...
