
Search results

  1. Rust on Turfgrass

    this pathogen. Mid-Summer through Fall (Most Common) Optimum air temperature for pathogen 68-86 F Leaf ...

  2. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    gloves Type IV-hypoallergenic, Cornish and her graduate students used new “accelerators” — chemicals ...

  3. Fungicides, Red Thread, Leaf Spots, Patch Diseases and Dollar Spot

    or summer patch now is the time to consider the first application of a preventative fungicide ... highly effective. If there are questions about this, refer to our summer patch fact sheet for more ...

  4. Ohio State's new tobacco free policy kicks off Jan. 1

    wellbeing of its faculty, staff, students and visitors, this is one of many steps that are being taken.   ...

  5. Safe Operation of Tractors while Mowing along Roadways

    services (FACE 98KY077).” With more than adequate rainfall this summer, the grass and weeds will likely be ...

  6. Oilseed crops bring back history, look toward future at Mellinger Farm

    oilseed crops that will be studied on the property this summer-- the first research plots at the farm ...

  7. Disability Services

    Disability Services The Office for Disability Services offers a number of services for students ...

  8. Farm Science Review: 'Forecasting the future for 50 years'

    18-19 and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 20. For the latest news and updates, follow Farm Science Review on  ...

  9. News

    plan to teach 500 students about ATV safety through school assemblies, day camp sessions, and Rider ... Education Courses; we plan to enroll and issue certificates of completion for 450 students participating in ...

  10. Recent paper: States’ renewable energy standards work — they help cut carbon emissions

    New research by an OARDC scientist and a former Ohio State University graduate student finds that ...
