
Search results

  1. CFAES Pelotonia riding to 'Grow Tomorrow's Cure'

    undergraduate and graduate students in support of cancer research. Recently, the BSR Animal Sciences Peloton has ... expanded its enrollment to students throughout CFAES and has taken on the new name of BSR-- Growing ... Tomorrow's Cure. As a community of agricultural and environmental sciences students, we are riding together ...

  2. 'Our future depends on cultural intelligence'

    at the Student Level in Agriculture" presented by Kaitlyn Murray and Allison Pulling, students ... Module 1" presented by Bowen Marshall, Open Doors program manager, Office of Student Life. In ... artwork created by students in Wayne County through the Embracing Our Differences program.  At the end of ...

  3. CFAES Student Council Meeting

    The CFAES Student Council will meet in the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium at ...

  4. CFAES Student Council Meeting

    The CFAES Student Council will meet in the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium at ...

  5. CFAES Student Council Meeting

    The CFAES Student Council will meet in the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium at ...

  6. CFAES Student Council Meeting

    The CFAES Student Council will meet in the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium at ...

  7. CFAES Student Council Meeting

    The CFAES Student Council will meet in the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium at ...

  8. CFAES Student Council Meeting

    The CFAES Student Council will meet in the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium at ...

  9. Greece: Human and Animal Interactions- Information Session

    society and provides students with an opportunity to gain an appreciation for how history, government, ... societies. Students will be provided with an opportunity and a forum in which they can compare our ...

  10. Greece: Human and Animal Interactions Study Abroad- Information Session

    society and provides students with an opportunity to gain an appreciation for how history, government, ... societies. Students will be provided with an opportunity and a forum in which they can compare our ...
