
Search results

  1. Honduras Trip

    The is a multi-disciplinary team of OSU engineers, construction management and business students ...

  2. Mac Ware helps win BETHA Endowment annual grant competition!

    selected four for funding in 2014. Student-developed Sustainable Housing Solutions in Central America will ... engage Ohio State senior capstone students with university partners and residents in Honduras to develop ...

  3. Summer Garden Walk

    Come join us for a garden walk to discuss soil health, common problems with weeds, pests and diseases, varietal selection, and how to get the most from your garden this season. This event is free and open to the public.  ...

  4. Extension Connections

    who completed the program last year and used the lessons with her students said that it was “the most ... workshop implemented the curriculum with their students in the past year. Nearly 100 4-H youth learned how ...

  5. Summer Garden Walk

    Come join us for a garden walk to discuss soil health, common problems with weeds, pests and disease, varietal selection, crop rotation and how to get the most from your garden this season. This event is free and open to the public. ...

  6. J. Blanton

    Also, I will have no meetings on 11/23 in room 202, as all my students will be out of town. Repeats ...

  7. Zach Profit, ASM Student, Featured in Ohio's Country Journal

    ASM student, Zach Profit, is featured in Ohio's Country Journal. Click here to view full ...

  8. Beenish Saba, FABE Graduate Student Awarded an Office of Energy and Environment Research Grant

    Graduate student, Beenish Saba, has been awarded an Office of Energy and Environment (OEE) ...

  9. Y. Li

    link meeting  with a group students in Columbus? Thanks Yebo Friday, October 2, 2015- 10:00am to ...

  10. Graduate Student Organization meetings

    I would like to reserve Room 219 from 4:30-5:30 for Graduate Student Organization meetings on February 16, ...
