
Search results

  1. Routine work was not routine in 2020, or now

    features a 3,000 sq. ft. wet lab/hatchery, a 4,500 sq. ft. broodfish building, and a 90-foot greenhouse ...

  2. Lumber grading training creates opportunities for workforce

    to host two Lumber Grading Short Courses over the summer of 2015. More than 30 participants in the ... school students interested in the forest and wood products industry as a career opportunity.  ... and will return in 2016. You can read more about the June training in the Pike County News Watchman at ...

  3. New book release: Cover Crops and Sustainable Agriculture

    including faculty members, students, farmers, agriculture researchers and educators, ecologists, economists, ...

  4. Ukrainian professors, scientists visit OSU for applied research and Extension collaboration

    hosted the visitors.  The delegation members visited The Ohio State University International Program in ... research systems with a great interest to develop similar lab services and systems in Ukraine. A wagon-tour ... facilitated the lab, greenhouse, and field research activities.  ...

  5. The French connection: Climate-smart agriculture and soil health workshop

    scientist who has more than 20 years of national and international research, teaching and extension ... with national and international expertise on no-till organic farming, cover crops, and agroecosystem ... has more than 32 years of national and international experience in sustainable agronomic practices. He ...

  6. Technology & Commercialization

    is a top priority for the TCO.   TCO representatives aid faculty, staff, and students in areas ...

  7. Islam delivers seminars, conducts grant writing workshop in Kyiv, Ukraine

    summer cover crops after winter wheat harvest, followed by the planting of corn and sunflowers in the ... further research and grant collaboration, delivered seminars for students and faculty members, and ... to the undergraduate and graduate students at Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson. Dr. Sergey ...

  8. Tsetse team: Pitching in to crack genetic code of deadly fly

    former graduate students or postdoctoral researchers in Denlinger’s lab. Sleeping sickness occurs only in ... A 10-year international project whose participants included an OARDC scientist and his labmates ...

  9. Jackson Agricultural Research Station

    feed in late summer, when pasture production is lower. Also, removing calves from cows improves body ...

  10. Western Agricultural Research Station

    capture global-warming-causing carbon. The Station is instrumental to ongoing, internationally recognized ...
